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La Danse moderne
Dominique Boivin, Christine Erbé, Philippe Priasso
Découverte / Culture générale (1998)

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Consultation du catalogue des livres de la médiathèque (CDI) de l'Espace UltraDanse

Swing Dancing [Anglais]

Fiche No 120

1 exemplaire
Saisi le 08/05/2013
Écrit par : Tamara Stevens, Erin Stevens
Édité par : Greenwood Press
Collection : The American Dance Floor
Genre : Biographie / Histoire
Mots clés associés :
swing, west coast swing, lindy hop
Résumé ou quatrième de couverture
Telling a riveting true story of the emergence and development of an American icon, this book traces swing dancing from its origins to its status as a modern-day art form.

Swing dance is the only partnered style of dancing that is truly "made in America." Even its original name—the "Lindy Hop "—is rooted in American history, having been inspired by Charles A. Lindbergh's historic 1927 flight from New York to Paris. After fading into obscurity in the 1960s and 1970s, the Lindy Hop and swing dancing are riding a new wave of popularity.

From its unlikely origins in the African slave trade, one of the saddest chapters of American history, swing dance emerged as a celebration of the soul. Swing is now recognized around the globe as a joyous partnered dance, uniquely Afro-American in origin and an American treasure.

This book examines how the original swing style of the 1920s, the Lindy Hop, branched out and evolved with the changing dynamics of popular culture, paralleling the development of the nation. Swing Dancing covers the dance through the years of minstrelsy, the jazz age, the big band era, bebop, and the decline of partnered dancing in the 1960s. Swing experts and instructors Tamara and Erin Stevens have combined a compelling historic examination of swing dance with an assortment of riveting personal interviews and photographic documentation to create a comprehensive reference book on this important art form.

• Contains insights from personal interviews with a variety of prominent dancers, scholars, and historians
• Presents a chronology of the emergence of vernacular American dancing and the development of swing, from colonial times to the present day
• Includes numerous illustrations and photographs depicting the diverse influences on the genre, from legendary musicians to iconic swing dancers and more
• Contains a select bibliography of diverse source material, such as books, films, and magazine and newspaper articles
• Provides a helpful index offering access to names, places, people, and all important subjects

• Provides readers with a consolidated and inspirational source of information regarding the history of swing dancing in America
• Includes information gained from personal interviews with prominent dance sources including several world-renowned dancers from the 1930s and 1940s
• Presents unique insights from authors who were at the forefront of the swing revival of the late 1990s, now often referred to as the "second era of swing"
Style de danse, avis et informations complémentaires
Danse swing
Fiche technique
Année de parution2011
Nombre de pages227
Dernier prix connu TTC35 euros

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Méthode moderne de danse et d'éducation
Eugène Giraudet
Technique (1909)
La Danse : l'atelier de la danse
Robert Cohan
Technique (1986)

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Photographies, danse contemporaine
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Découverte, danse contemporaine