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La danse : Art éternel
Haskell Arnold L.
Découverte / Culture générale (1960)

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Consultation du catalogue des livres de la médiathèque (CDI) de l'Espace UltraDanse

Latin Dance [Anglais]

Fiche No 119

1 exemplaire
Saisi le 08/05/2013
Écrit par : Elizabeth Drake-Boyt
Édité par : Greenwood Press
Collection : The American Dance Floor
Genre : Biographie / Histoire
Mots clés associés :
danses latines, Caraïbes
Résumé ou quatrième de couverture
This title in the American Dance Floor series provides an overview of the origins, development, and current status of Latin social dancing in the United States.

Latin dance forms enjoy great popularity in the United States for reasons beyond being exuberant and enjoyable dance styles. The Prohibition era sent American tourists to Cuba, where they learned adaptations of Latin dances and brought them back home, while the tango of Argentina first arrived in the United States almost 100 years ago.

Latin dance and music have had a widespread influence upon the development of other social dance and music styles in the United States. As a result, Latin dance styles are among the most important dance forms in America.

Latin Dance addresses every major style of Latin dance, describing the basic steps that characterize it as well as its rhythmic pace and time signature, and examining its development from European, African, and Amerindian influences. The author explains the range of styles and expression to be found in Latin dances primarily within the context of couples social dancing, the popularity of salsa today, and the broader social meanings and implications of their multicultural origins from the 1600s to the present. The historic connection between exhibition Latin dance and American modern dance through vaudeville is explained as well.

• Provides information from interviews conducted with Latin social dancers in the United States
• Contains photographs that illustrate the body alignment, mood, and wide variety of context of Latin social dancers, as well as Latin musicians and musical instruments
• A bibliography contains entries useful for further investigation into the topic of Latin dances
• Appendices indicate basic online resources for Latin social dancing in the United States and provide a filmography of Latin dances organized according to style

• Offers an overview of the multiple variations of Latin dances enjoyed in the United States
• Provides readers with an understanding of the relationship between the music and the dance within a historical context
• Traces the progression of Latin dances from their countries of origin into the United States
• Considers the role of Latin dances in concert and social arts, social expression, and urban lifestyles
• Describes a wide range of dancers and venues for Latin dancing
Style de danse, avis et informations complémentaires
Danse latine / Caraïbes
Fiche technique
Année de parution2011
Nombre de pages161
Dernier prix connu TTC35 euros

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Méthode moderne de danse et d'éducation
Eugène Giraudet
Technique (1909)
La Danse : l'atelier de la danse
Robert Cohan
Technique (1986)

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par A. Tierou
Technique, danse africaine
La danse classique est-elle en danger ? 
par D. Picard
Essai, danse classique
Carolyn Carlson - Regards, gestes et costumes 
par R.-D. de l'Hommel
Photographies, danse contemporaine
La danse (country) en ligne 
par C. Rolland
Technique, line dance
La danse libre 
par A.-M. Bruyant
Découverte, danse contemporaine