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Technique de la danse
Marcelle Bourgat, Que sais-je?
Technique (1993)

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Consultation du catalogue des livres de la médiathèque (CDI) de l'Espace UltraDanse

Hip Hop Dance [Anglais]

Fiche No 118

1 exemplaire
Saisi le 08/05/2013
Écrit par : Mohanalakshmi Rajakumar
Édité par : Greenwood Press
Collection : The American Dance Floor
Genre : Biographie / Histoire
Mots clés associés :
Résumé ou quatrième de couverture
This guide provides an overview of the history of hip hop culture and an exploration of its dance style, appropriate both for student research projects and general interest reading.

Stemming from its humble origin as a lifestyle of minority youth in New York City, hip hop dance is now a global phenomenon that has transcended ethnicity, nationality, and language. Today's hip hop culture is so popular and pervasive, the U.S. Department of State describes hip hop as "now the center of a megamusic and fashion industry around the world."

Rapping. Breakdancing. MCing. DJing. Beatboxing. Graffiti art. These are just some of the most well-known artistic expressions spawned from hip hop culture, which has grown from being an isolated inner-city subculture in the 1970s to being a truly international and mainstream culture that has taken root in countries as diverse as Japan, France, Israel, Poland, Brazil, South Korea, and England.

This insightful book provides not only an overview of hip hop's distinctive dance style and steps, but also a historic overview of hip hop's roots as an urban expression of being left out of the mainstream pop culture, clarifying the social context of hip hop culture before it became a widespread suburban phenomenon. Hip Hop Dance documents all the forms of street music that led to one of the most groundbreaking, expressive, and influential dance styles ever created.

• A chronology of the development of hip hop from the 1970s to the present
• Black and white photographs of the various dance movements
• Bibliography of significant materials for further reading
• Detailed explanations of dance terms
• Helpful indexes with convenient access to various topics of interest throughout the book

• Offers historical insight into the development of hip hop culture
• Gathers information on the range of hip hop dance movements
• Provides invaluable social context for the development of the music and dance
Style de danse, avis et informations complémentaires
Hip-hop /Ragga
Fiche technique
Année de parution2012
Nombre de pages121
Dernier prix connu TTC37 euros

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Méthode moderne de danse et d'éducation
Eugène Giraudet
Technique (1909)
La Danse : l'atelier de la danse
Robert Cohan
Technique (1986)

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Vous voulez vous initier à l'informatique ou vous perfectionner ? Les éditions Rolland, installées dans les locaux de l'Espace UltraDanse, proposent aussi des formations, du support de dépannage informatique !
Alphabet de la danse africaine 
par A. Tierou
Technique, danse africaine
La danse classique est-elle en danger ? 
par D. Picard
Essai, danse classique
Carolyn Carlson - Regards, gestes et costumes 
par R.-D. de l'Hommel
Photographies, danse contemporaine
La danse (country) en ligne 
par C. Rolland
Technique, line dance
La danse libre 
par A.-M. Bruyant
Découverte, danse contemporaine