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Comment devenir bon danseur - Danses modernes
René Vrany
Technique (1962)

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Rock 'n' Roll Dances of the 1950s [Anglais]

Fiche No 116

1 exemplaire
Saisi le 08/05/2013
Écrit par : Lisa Jo Sagolla
Édité par : Greenwood Press
Collection : The American Dance Floor
Genre : Biographie / Histoire
Mots clés associés :
rock'n'roll, années 1950
Résumé ou quatrième de couverture
This descriptive and analytic study examines how 1950s rock 'n' roll dancing illuminates the larger cultural context out of which the dancing arose.

Considered a quiet, conformist decade, the 1950s were, in reality, a time of simmering tensions, many of which would erupt in the free-wheeling 1960s. The rock 'n' roll dances that emerged during the mid to late 1950s both reflected and expressed these tensions, whether intergenerational, interracial, or merely indicative of a new era about to be born.

Rock 'n' Roll Dances of the 1950s provides a fresh, highly animated lens through which to observe and understand the cultural climate of 1950s America, examining, not only the steps and aesthetic qualities of rock 'n' roll dances, but also their emblematic meanings. Exploring dance as a reflection and expression of cultural trends, the book takes a sharply analytical look at rock 'n' roll dances from the birth of the genre in the mid-1950s to the decade's end.

Readers will explore the emergence of teen culture in the '50s, rock 'n' roll's association with delinquency, and the controversy ignited by the physical movements of early rock 'n' roll artists. They will learn about the influence of black culture on 1950s dances and about the trendsetting TV show American Bandstand. Particularly telling for those wishing to grasp the underlying tensions of the decade is a discussion of the dance floor as a platform for racial integration.

• Period, archival photos
• A bibliography of books, articles, videos, films, and recordings documenting the history of 1950s rock 'n' roll music and dancing
• A detailed index allowing the book to be easily used as a reference source for research on social dance, rock 'n' roll, and American popular culture

• Gathers descriptive, analytical, and historical information about 1950s dance styles in one volume
• Intertwines a full decade of social history into an in-depth investigation of the act of dancing to rock 'n' roll music
• Emphasizes African American influences on American vernacular dance forms
Style de danse, avis et informations complémentaires
Danse swing
Fiche technique
Année de parution2011
Nombre de pages141
Dernier prix connu TTC37 euros

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Méthode moderne de danse et d'éducation
Eugène Giraudet
Technique (1909)
La Danse : l'atelier de la danse
Robert Cohan
Technique (1986)

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